Dialing it in…

For the last month, I’ve been on track in my nutrition with macros counting and weekly reporting to my nutrition coach.  I haven’t seen much change yet, but I know very well that it’s a process that can’t be rushed.  I also know that I had let my eating run amok for months and it will take time to heal the hormonal damage.  So, I ignore the mirror, scale and tape and just keep hitting my numbers as closely as possible, day in and day out.

Consistently hitting macro targets isn’t always easy and it’s definitely not convenient, but it has proven to be the most effective way to achieve safe and steady fat loss that I have encountered… and I’ve definitely tried my share of diets.    So, nutrition is dialed in and time will provide the result, given patience and consistency.

If you’re struggling with your nutrition and how it’s negatively impacting your body, I get it.  I’ve been there and back more than once.  When you’re ready to put in the effort to create lasting change, you can make it happen.  There are effective solutions available and I’m happy to give you a referral.

A few months ago I also made rebuilding my fitness a top priority.  I’d learned from the last year, that I train best in a team or group, so I put an enormous amount of time into researching the different fitness offerings in the area.  There are tons of options, ranging from pilates or kickboxing to bootcamps or CrossFit.  I have extensively more knowledge than the average consumer about effective training methods and the vast majority of places I looked at simply didn’t meet my standards.  In fact, far from it.  In a fit of desperation, I finally bought a month pass to the CrossFit closest to my home.  It was a hard month, with most of my sessions spent biting my tongue to not coach the instructors or clients.

But, I liked being back in CrossFit so I checked the class schedules of all the other boxes in the area.  Mutiny CrossFit looked like the best fit.  Their coaches are all knowledgeable, personable and very engaged.   The facility is well equipped and the programming is pretty standard fare.   I had a very good time the week that I visited.  The only drawback is that their prime time is evenings and their 6am classes were almost empty when I was there.  Given my history, the main draw to return to CrossFit was the possibility of joining an established community.  Being limited to 6am training at Mutiny wouldn’t have provided the team environment that I was seeking.

After all that, I’ve just scrapped the idea of group training for at least the next three months. Instead,  I’ve started SheStrength inside Foothill Gym.  SheStrength is a 3-day a week strength program, designed for outdoorsy women and coached remotely by GriggStrong.  It is a serious, effective program and will provide good results as long as I stay consistent.  Which I’ll do by maintaining connection with my coach and peers and not letting isolation snowball into depression.

I have even been honored to have a training partner and friend join me… one who not only keeps up with me in most activities, but also dusts me when we hit her wheelhouse… not a huge surprise given her years of teaching spin and pilates.  It’s super cool to have to push hard to keep up!    Compatible training partners are challenging to find, but so worth the effort once they establish.

As for community fulfillment, that comes with my twice weekly hikes and social engagements with my friends.  Gals I’ve known for over 10 years, but never really been in the position to commit to building friendships.  It’s unbelievably nice to be able to engage and commit now.  Such a difference.

If you’re struggling with your fitness, boy do I understand.  The world of fitness is HUGE and most of the businesses are far better at taking your money than providing results.  Best suggestion I can give you is to do what I did.  Listen to you intuition.  It will tell you if you’re being coached by a professional or a charlatan. Keep looking.  Don’t settle.  There are a number of good places out there, but they are like wheat scattered amongst the chaff.  You have to look closely to find them.

BTW…. if you encounter any of the countless companies that make big promises of immediate weight loss or muscle gains.  Don’t believe them.  Seriously.  There are NO silver bullets, magic pills or short cuts to fitness…. but there are LOTS of scammers standing ready to sell you the illusion of an instant fix.